Trying to keep the kids entertained can be hard over the holidays. So why not try this ice lolly recipe. I say recipe it is literally only 6 steps and so super simple.
It could keep you entertained all day from the drive out to the farm to then making the ice lolly. When you collect the milkshakes from the farm you could be lucky enough to get possible sightings of tractors, cows, a dog and our super friendly cat.
This ice lolly is a Neopolitan, so it consists of three layers with four flavours. Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. It was made by Italian ice cream makers so no wonder it tastes so good.
The review from my little man was - 'This is so yummy.' - So it must be good right ?
The ingredients -
* Chocolate milkshake
* Strawberry milkshake
* Vanilla milkshake
* Ice lolly moulds
- a freezer to cool it down.
So first of all get an ice lolly mould in any shape and size. We brought ours from amazon and we can do a few ice lollies with it. Also it is reusable so win win!

Then we collected three milkshakes from the vending machine - chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. These are three of the core four flavours that we keep all year round. So if you want one in the winter you can get your fix too. You can change the flavours too if you wanted.
The best part is that the milkshakes are made with organic milk so you know that there is plenty of goodness in the milk and it is something that your children will enjoy making and eating.
Then pour the strawberry milkshake in the ice lolly mould first so it covers a third of the mould.
Place the mould in the freeze for a couple of hours.

Get the mould back out then pour the vanilla milkshake in so it is up to two thirds of the mould now.

Place back in the freezer for another couple of hours.
Lastly add the chocolate milkshake in so it fill that last third of the ice lolly mould.
Leave it in the freezer until the whole ice lolly has frozen. Then once it has frozen it is ready to enjoy.

A homemade Neopolian ice lolly! Yum Yum.
My kids loved it and I hope yours do too.
